- H. Benisty, I. Katz, K. Crammer and D. Malah, “Discriminative Keyword Spotting for Limited-Data Applications“, Speech Communication, Vol. 99, 2018, pp-1–11
- O. Rosen, I. Cohen and D. Malah, “FIR-based Symmetrical Acoustic Beamformer With a Constant Beamwidth“, Signal Processing Vol. 130, 2017, pp-365–376
- H. Benisty, D. Malah, and K. Crammer, “Grid-based approximation for voice conversion in low resource environments“, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing (2016)
- T. Shoham, D. Malah, and S. Shechtman, ”Quality Preserving Compression of a Concatenative Text-to-Speech Acoustic Database”, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
Vol. 20, No. 3, March 2012, pp-1056-1068. - S. Tiomkin, D. Malah, S. Shechtman,and Z. Kons, “A Hybrid Text-to-Speech System that Combines Concatenative and Statistical Synthesis for Footprint Reduction“, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 19, No. 5, May 2011, pp 1278-1288.
- A. Vichik, R. Keshet and D. Malah, “A General Framework for Tree-Based Morphology and its Applications to Self-Dual Filtering“, Image and Vision Computing Vol. 28, No. 10, October 2010, pp. 1443-1451.
- S. Tiomkin, D. Malah, S. Shechtman “Statistical Text-to-Speech Synthesis based on Segment-wise Representation with a Norm Constrain“, IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 18 No. 5, July, 2010, pp. 1077- 1082.
- H. Ben-Yaacov, D. Malah, and M. Barzohar, “Recognition of 3D Objects Based on Implicit Polynomials“, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 32, no. 5, May 2010, pp. 954-960.
- O. Kuybeda, D. Malah and M. Barzohar, “Anomaly Preserving $\ell_{2,\infty}$-Optimal Dimensionality Reduction over a Grassmann Manifold“, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol 58, No. 2, Feb. 2010, pp. 544-552.
- N. Hait and D. Malah, “Model-based Transrating of H.264 Coded Video“, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 19, No. 8, Aug. 2009, pp. 1129-1142
- H. Ofir, D. Malah, and I. Cohen, “Audio Packet Loss Concealment in a Combined MDCT-MDST Domain“, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol 14, no. 12, December 2007
- O. Kuybeda, D. Malah, and M. Barzohar, “Rank Estimation and Redundancy Reduction of High-Dimensional Noisy Signals with Preservation of Rare Vectors“, IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol 55, no. 12, December 2007.
- A. Sagi and D. Malah, “Bandwidth Extension of Telephone Speech Aided by Data Embedding“, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2007,Article ID 64921, 16 pages.
- G. Ben-David and D. Malah, “Bounds on the Performance of Vector-Quantizers under Channel Errors“, IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 51, no. 6, June 2005, pp. 2227-2235.
- A. Helzer, M. Barzohar and D. Malah, “Stable Fitting of 2D Curves and 3D Surfaces by Implicit Polynomials“, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 26, No. 10, October 2004, pp. 1283-1294.
- R. Martin, D. Malah, R.V. Cox and A. J. Accardi, “A Noise Reduction Preprocessor for Mobile Voice Communication“, EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Processing, No. 8, July 2004, pp. 1046-1058.
- I. Cohen, S. Raz and D. Malah, “Translation-Invariant Denoising Using the Minimum Description Length Criterion“, Signal Processing, Vol. 75, No. 3, June 1999, pp. 201-223.
- I. Cohen, S. Raz and D. Malah, “Adaptive Suppression of Wigner Interference-Terms Using Shift-Invariant Wavelet Packet Decompositions“, Signal Processing, Vol. 73, No. 3, 1999, pp. 203-223.
- R. Kresch and D. Malah, “Skeleton-Based Morphological Coding of Binary Images“, IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 7, No. 10, Oct. 1998, pp. 1387-1399. [PDF]
- I. Cohen, S. Raz and D. Malah, “Orthonormal Shift-Invariant Wavelet Packet Decomposition and Representation“, Signal Processing, Vol. 57, No. 3, 1997, pp. 251-270.
- I. Cohen, S. Raz and D. Malah, “Orthonormal Shift-Invariant Adaptive Local Trigonometric Decomposition“, Signal Processing, Vol. 57, No. 1, 1997, pp. 43-64.
- A. Amitay and D. Malah, “Global Motion Estimation in Image Sequences of 3-D Scenes for Coding Applications“, Signal Processing: Image Communications, Vol 6, No. 6, Feb. 1995, pp. 507-520.
- Z. Sivan and D. Malah, “Change Detection and Texture Analysis for Image Sequence Coding“, Signal Processing: Image Communications, Vol. 6, No. 4, Aug. 1994, pp. 357-376.
- R. Kresch and D. Malah, “Morphological Reduction of Skeleton Redundancy“, Signal Processing, Vol. 38, No. 1, July 1994, pp. 143-151.
- G. Sapiro and D. Malah, “Morphological Image Coding Based on a Geometric Sampling Theorem and a Modified Skeleton Representation“, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 1994, pp. 29-40.
- T.V. Papathomas and D. Malah, “Experimentally Obtained Thresholds for a Conditional-Replenishment Image-Sequence Coder“, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol. 4, No. 1, March 1993, pp. 79-91.
- R. Fabian and D. Malah, “Robust Identification of Motion and Out-of-Focus Blur Parameters from Blurred and noisy Images“, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing – CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing, Vol. 53, No. 4, July 1991, pp. 403-412.
- S. Farkash, D. Malah and W.A. Pearlman, “Transform Trellis Coding of Images at Low Bit Rates“, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 38, No. 10, Oct. 1990, pp. 1871-1878.
- Y. Ephraim, D. Malah and B.-H. Juang, “On the Application of Hidden Markov Models for Enhancing Noisy Speech“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 37, No. 12, Dec. 1989, pp. 1846-1856.
- A. Satt and D. Malah, “Design of Uniform DFT Filter Banks Optimized for Sub-Band Coding of Speech“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 37,No. 11, Nov. 1989, pp. 1672-1679.
- A. Dembo and D. Malah, “Signal Synthesis from Modified Discrete Short-Time Transform“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 36, No. 2, Feb. 1988, pp. 168-181.
- A. Dembo and D. Malah, “Statistical Design of Analysis/Synthesis Systems with Quantization“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 36, No. 3, March 1988, pp. 328-341.
- A. Dembo and D. Malah, “The Design of Optimal Uniform Filter Banks with Specified Composite Response“. IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 35, No. 6, June 1987, pp. 807-817.
- A. Dembo and D. Malah, “WMMSE Design of Digital Filter Banks with Specified Composite Response“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 34, No. 6, Dec. 1986, pp. 1529-1541.
- Y. Ephraim and D. Malah, “Combined Enhancement and Adaptive Transform Coding of Noisy Speech“, Proc. IEE., Vol. 133, Pt. F, No. 1, Feb. 1986, pp. 81-86.
- D. Hertz, R.P. Kurshan, D. Malah and J.T. Peoples, “Tone Location By Cyclotomic Filters“, AT &T Technical Journal 1985, Vol. 6, No. 6, July-Aug. 1985, pp. 1161-1179.
- Y. Ephraim and D. Malah, “Speech Enhancement Using a Minimum Mean-Square Error Log-Spectral Amplitude Estimator“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 33, No. 2, April 1985, pp. 443-445.
- Y. Ephraim and D. Malah, “Speech Enhancement Using a Minimum Mean Square Error Short-Time Spectral Amplitude Estimator“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 32, No. 6, Dec. 1984, pp. 1109-1121.
- A. Dembo and D. Malah, “Generalization of the Window Method for FIR Digital Filter Design“, IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 31, No. 5, Oct. 1984, pp. 1081-1083.
- T. Peli and D. Malah, “A Study of Edge Detection Algorithms“, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Vol. 20, Dec. 1982, pp. 1-21.
- D. Malah and J.L. Flanagan, “Frequency Scaling of Speech Signals by Transform Techniques“, Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 60, No. 9, Nov. 1981, pp. 2107-2156.
- E. Goldberg, R. Kurshan and D. Malah, “Design of Finite Impulse Response Digital Filters with Non-Linear Phase Response”, IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP–29, No. 5, Oct. 1981, pp. 1003–1010.
- D. Malah, R.E. Crochiere and R.V. Cox, “Performance of Transform and Sub- band Coding Systems Combined with Harmonic Scaling of Speech“, IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-29, No. 2, April 1981, pp. 273-283.Reprinted in: K.R. Rao, Editor, “Discrete Transforms and Their Applications“, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1985, pp. 263-273.
- T. Schwarz and D. Malah, “Hybrid Realization of an Adaptive Filter for Real- Time Noise-Canceling Applications“, Electronic Letters, Vol. l5, No. 21, 1979, pp. 671-672.
- D. Malah, “Time Domain Algorithms for Harmonic Bandwidth Reduction and Time-Scaling of Speech Signals“, IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-27, No. 2, April 1979, pp. 121-133.
Reprinted in: J.S. Lim, Editor, “Speech Enhancement”, Prentice Hall Inc., N.J., 1983, pp. 311-323. - D. Malah and M. Botbol, “DFT Interpolation Kernels and Error Bounds“, Computers & Electrical Engineering Intl. Journ., Vol. 13, 1976, pp. 209-213.
- D. Malah and B.A. Shenoi, “Reduction and Transformation of Linear Discrete- Time-Varying Systems“, Intl. Journ. Control, Vol. 16, No. 6, Dec., 1972, pp. 1127-1136.
- D. Malah and B.A. Shenoi, “Synthesis of Linear-Time-Varying Systems“, Electronic Letters, 7, No. 23, 1971, pp. 745-747.
- D. Malah, “The Transmission Matrix of a Class of Discrete Time Systems“, Electronic Letters, 7, No. 21, 1971, pp. 682-683.
- D. Malah, “Cascade Decomposition of Linear-Time-Varying Difference Operators , Electronic Letters, 7, No. 12, 1971, pp. 340-342.